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Cancer Dog Horoscope for December 2023


Dear Canine Cancers,

December 2023 is going to be an interesting month for you, my furry friends. As the snow begins to fall, your instincts will be in overdrive to chase each individual snowflake that dares to invade your backyard – a futile yet entertaining endeavor. The first week of December will be dominated by the squirrel that has taken up residence in the tree next to the house. You may feel an intense need to bark at it for hours. Trust me; it’s just as annoyed as you are. Don’t forget the mystery of the disappearing holiday food. One moment it’s there on the counter, and then it’s gone! Remember, sniffing out the truth might lead to an upset tummy.

Your humans will start bringing in boxes of decorations and twinkly lights, which might set off your chase instincts. Resist the urge to tear them apart, no matter how much they look like colorful chew toys. Mid-month, you’ll experience a strange phenomenon where a tree will appear in your living room. You must resist the urge to mark it as your territory; your humans won’t appreciate it. The strange dangling objects are not, I repeat, NOT balls for you to play with. The cat will try to blame you for any decorations that mysteriously end up on the floor, so stay vigilant.

Your rivalry with the family cat will reach its peak when they receive a new plush bed while you get a squeaky toy that loses its squeak within hours. Fear not, your human’s lap will always be the coziest spot in the house. As the month ends, you will find an abundance of boxes and wrapping paper to play with. It’s a doggy dream come true! Just don’t get too carried away; remember what happened last year with the tinsel.

Your lucky lottery numbers for your humans this week are 5, 7, 12, 19, 23, and 31. If they win, remind them that donations of extra treats and belly rubs are warmly welcomed.

Happy Holidays, my canine companions!

Deborah Moore is a writer, website designer and pet information expert, focused on dog adoption and rehoming for the past 10 years.

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