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Gemini Dog Horoscope for December 2023


December 2023 Horoscope for the Gemini Dog:

The chill of winter is upon us, Gemini pup, and with it comes a plethora of new smells and experiences. Our squirrel friends are becoming scarce, their nut-hoarding frenzies quieting as they retreat to their trees. You may feel a sense of loss, Gemini, but fear not, their frolicking will resume in spring. Embrace the quietude, it’s a perfect time to catch up on your napping. Speaking of catching, you might want to double-check the Christmas tree for any low-hanging ornaments that look suspiciously like balls. Your human family may not appreciate your attempts to “fetch” these, but who are they to resist your playful nature?

Your feline sibling will be extra jittery this month, Gemini doggo. The twinkling lights and strange tree in the living room might be tipping them off balance. This might be a good time to extend a paw of friendship, even if it’s just to snicker behind their twitching tail. Be patient with your humans as well. They may be more distracted than usual, wrapping odd-shaped objects and hiding them under the tree. You know you’re the greatest gift in their lives, so why all the fuss?

This month, your dreams will be filled with visions of juicy steaks dancing in your head. You may be tempted to sneak a few holiday cookies, but remember, chocolate is a no-no for us canine companions. Instead, dream big and focus on those savory holiday roasts.

Your lucky lottery numbers for your humans this week are 5, 13, 21, 28, 33, and 47. If they win big, remind them that a generous donation to your favorite toy fund would be greatly appreciated. After all, who do you think gave them the lucky numbers? That’s right, it was you, the psychic Gemini dog.

Deborah Moore is a writer, website designer and pet information expert, focused on dog adoption and rehoming for the past 10 years.

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