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Welcome to our comprehensive guide about the Boston Terrier, a dog breed that has won the hearts of many with its charming disposition and signature tuxedo coat. We have compiled in-depth information on every facet of these delightful dogs, from their lively temperament to their distinctive appearance.

Our guide is brimming with enlightening facts, including their average lifespan, price range for puppies, and the illustrious history of the breed. We’ve also included an array of stunning photos that perfectly capture the charisma and charm of these terriers.

In addition to general information, our guide provides essential details regarding the health and care of Boston Terriers. It’s important to be aware of any potential health issues that are common in the breed, as well as the necessary care required to ensure their wellbeing. We discuss everything from their dietary needs to exercise requirements, grooming tips, and preventative health measures. We also delve into the temperament of Boston Terriers, explaining their compatibility with families, children, and other pets.

But our guide goes beyond just facts and figures. We have also included a range of engaging articles about the breed, penned by Boston Terrier enthusiasts and experts. These articles cover an array of topics, including training tips, breed-specific quirks, and heartwarming stories of Boston Terriers and their owners.

Plus, if you’re considering welcoming a Boston Terrier into your home, we provide a list of popular names for dogs and puppies of the breed. This guide is a one-stop resource for everything Boston Terrier, designed to answer all your queries about these lovable, lively dogs.

Boston Terriers Dog Breed Information Guide

Black and white boston terrier dogThe Boston Terrier is a stylishly handsome, robust dog. He is lively and alert yet has an undemanding disposition. The Boston, a truly American breed, is instantly recognizable for its formal appearance and its distinctive coat.

Historically, the Boston Terrier has a well documented lineage with its heels firmly entrenched in early American aristocracy. It has seen a meteoric rise in popularity since its induction into the American Kennel Club.

Truly, this dog needs no introduction. lovers of small dogs the world around recognize this breed as an even tempered, fun loving family pet and consummate show dog. And, if ever there was a dog whose cheeks are ripe for the squishing, the Boston Terrier is it.

Black and white boston terrier puppy on a green and yellow polka dot backgroundBoston Terrier Dog Breed Facts

  • Origin: United States
  • Height: 10-16 inches at the shoulder
  • Weight: 11-25 pounds (shown in 3 weight classes)
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate
  • Grooming Needs: Low
  • Life Expectancy: 11-13 years
  • Good With Kids: Yes
  • Trainability: Easy

The Boston Terrier is a unique and distinctive little breed of dog. Nicknamed the \”Gentleman of Dogs,\” due to his extremely sweet and gentle disposition, this adorable little toy dog has won the hearts of many, across the world. If you’re looking for a spunky and adorable little friend, the Boston Terrier may be just the sort of companion that you had in mind.

All About Boston Terriers

Boston Terrier History


The history of the Boston Terrier is well documented. Sometime around 1865, coachmen who were employed by wealthy Bostonians, decided to crossbreed some of their employer\’s purebred dogs.

An English Terrier and a bulldog sired Hooper\’s Judge, the first Boston Terrier. Weighing in at a meaty 30 pounds, Hooper\’s Judge was later bred with a smaller female, and their male offspring with an even smaller female. At some point, a French Bulldog was introduced and the modern day Boston Terrier was thereby established.

Soon, the Boston Terrier was a popular breed throughout the city and legitimizing and naming this terrier was well underway. Originally, breeders chose American Roundhead Bull Terrier as the proposed name for the Boston Terrier, but that name was rejected.

The shortened version Roundhead Terrier was also dismissed. In 1893 the breed was admitted into the American Kennel Club and its name changed to Boston Terrier to honor its ancestral home. Notably, the Boston Terrier was the first US breed to be recognized by the AKC.

Boston Terrier Appearance

The Boston Terrier is a handsome, muscular breed. He is compact and well proportioned with a thick, powerful neck. The Boston Terrier\’s head is square in shape and his muzzle is about 1/3 its length. His ears, when cropped will stand erect and his tail is short and tapered.

The Boston Terrier has a dapper and dignified appearance. The Boston Terrier sports a striking short coat with a distinguishing white stripe that sweeps up and over his head. Accepted colors are bindle, seal or black; all with white markings between the eyes and around the neck. His tuxedo-like coat and square, slightly drooping jaw make the Boston Terrier an elegant and immediately recognizable dog

Boston Terrier Temperament

The Boston Terrier is a sensitive dog, who seems greatly concerned with pleasing his owners. He is a quick study and will learn commands with relative ease. The Boston Terrier is calm and gentle indoors, but a raucous playmate outside whenever the opportunity arises. There can be moments of stubbornness, but the Boston Terrier will ultimately yield to his owner.

The Boston Terrier has naturally friendly disposition and seldom takes an unprovoked dislike to people. He is equally pleasant with children and other dogs. Some household pets should tread with caution around the Boston Terrier, especially if they are of the feline persuasion. But, if your Boston Terrier has been brought up with kitty, he will see her as a companion rather than a foe.

Boston Terrier Exercise Info

The Boston Terrier has moderate exercise needs. He will relish a daily walk but you needn\’t worry that your Boston Terrier will run you ragged. A 2 mile walk or a vigorous game of fetch will suffice. Inside, the Boston Terrier is more docile than rambunctious, and as he matures, so will his love of relaxation.

The Boston Terrier is a ball of muscle so he is faster on his feet than his refined stance might suggest. Be certain to keep you Boston Terrier on leash, even on short walks. He will enjoy leash-free dog parks as his temperament makes him an agreeable companion for man and beast alike.

Boston Terrier Grooming Info

Typically, grooming your Boston Terrier is an undemanding task. You will need to brush your terrier\’s coat with a firm, non-wire brush. Wire brushes can scratch your Boston Terrier\’s skin, so a natural brush is best. Baths should be taken when necessary and you should use a low fragrance shampoo.

Be sure to rinse all shampoo residue from your pet to avoid skin irritation. Nails will need clipping and a professional groomer may make a prudent choice as their specialized equipment makes for a comfortable trim.

The key to keeping your Boston Terrier relaxed enough to allow the grooming is your tone and actions. You should reassure your terrier in a calm, low tone, and establish it as a relaxed and luxurious event. Your Boston Terrier may begin to enjoy and welcome these procedures.

Boston Terrier Training Info

House training your Boston Terrier works best when you commit to using the Bridge Word method and start the training when your puppy is about 6 weeks old. To use this method, select a simple world like \’yes\’ or \’good\’ and instruct all family members that this word, and this alone, indicates correct response.

Reserve an especially delicious treat, like liver bits, to reward proper behaviour. Don\’t let your Boston\’s cute antics swindle you out of a liver snack, this is to be awarded only if your Boston Terrier uses appropriate bathroom facilities.

Next, take your Boston Terrier outside immediately following a nap or meal. As soon as he goes, say your bridge word and reward with the liver treat. Soon, this will establish a regular routine and you can begin to expand the training. Still, use your special treat only when a command is obeyed.

Boston Terrier Health Info

Health concerns for your Boston Terrier include; Brachycephalic Syndrome, cataracts, deafness, hypothyroidism, luxating patellas and mange. Also of note are cherry eye, heart murmurs and allergies.

Is a Boston Terrier Right For You?

Boston terriers

The Boston Terrier is the perfect first dog. He is gentle and agreeable and will happily complete any family. Because the Boston\’s needs are few, busy families will be delighted by this terrier\’s reasonable exercise requirements and simple grooming.

Seniors and the disabled will be charmed by the Boston Terrier\’s trainability and sensible position on barking. On the whole, the Boston Terrier is a splendid pet. Clever and resourceful, the Boston Terrier is as cute as they come.

When purchasing your Boston Terrier, resist the urge to purchase a dog inexpensively from a pet store or from an advertisement in a newspaper. You may unwittingly buy a mal-adjusted, sick, puppy mill dog. This is to be avoided at all costs.

More Information about the Boston Terrier Dog Breed

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