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Scorpio Dog Horoscope for December 2023


Hello, fellow Scorpio pups!

This December 2023, the planets are aligning in a way that’s sure to have your tail wagging. As the cold weather sets in and the humans start decorating the house with sparkly things you’re not allowed to eat (rude, right?), you’ll find yourself in a spirit of adventure. Whether it’s romping through the first snowfall or bravely sniffing out those suspiciously enticing boxes under the tree – your curiosity will be piqued! Just remember, not all shiny things are toys, so resist the urge to tug on those twinkling lights.

With the holiday season in full swing, expect an increase in family gatherings. Yes, this means the dreaded “cat cousin” visits. Fear not, brave Scorpio! Use your natural charm and winning personality to win over the humans. They’ll be so smitten that they won’t even notice when you sneak a piece of ham from the table. However, don’t let sibling rivalry get the better of you. Remember, good dogs don’t growl at their siblings, even when they steal your favorite chew toy.

As the year comes to a close, don’t forget to take a moment to enjoy a good belly rub and reflect on your doggy achievements. Did you finally catch that pesky squirrel? Have you mastered the art of the ‘puppy eyes’ to get extra treats? Celebrate these victories, my fellow canines, for they are the true measure of a dog’s life. Now, onto the exciting part.

This week’s lucky lottery numbers for your human are 8, 21, 33, 44, 57 and 69. If your humans strike it rich, remind them that you, their faithful furry friend, were the source of their good fortune. Donations in the form of extra belly rubs and bacon-flavored treats will be gladly accepted.

Happy Howlidays, Scorpios!

Deborah Moore is a writer, website designer and pet information expert, focused on dog adoption and rehoming for the past 10 years.

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